Winter Semi-Formal
Thank you to all who attended. It was a great night! Dress to impress, grab a friend or two, and dance the winter blues away! There will be dancing, delicious desserts, and door prizes. Fill out your "Dance Card" and be entered into a drawing.
Danbury Cultural Commission Literary Contests
The Danbury Cultural Commission is sponsoring literary contests for students age 12 through 18. In 2019, Students from Abbott Tech received cash prizes for both poetry and short story submissions.
Women’s Center Project
The MDET seniors supported the Women's Center during the holiday season by purchasing and collecting gifts for clients of the organization. During the project we learned there are 300 clients of the Women’s Center of Greater Danbury of which many live in shelters.
Newsletter – November 2019
Click on the title to access the Newsletter. It is also available through Parent Square. Published November 14, 2019
Soccer Team Advances to League Finals
Coach Solis and the Abbott Tech boys soccer team won the League Championship against Bullard Havens Tech on November 9. The team competed in the quarterfinals against Tolland on Wednesday, November 13, winning 5-2. They will play Stonington on Friday.
Leo Club Visits Ben’s Bells
Members of the Abbott Tech Leo Club went to Ben's Bells in Bethel. They cut out and painted "kindness coins." If you would like to help out at Ben's Bells, they are always looking for volunteers.
Art Club Finishes Mural
The Art Club finished the sports mural that was started at the end of the last school year. The mural is located in the hallway outside the fitness center. The mural was started last year by:
Please Complete Family ID
Instead of stacks of paperwork, Abbott Tech has streamlined the process. We use FAMILY ID, and electronic paperwork platform. Complete health records, sign off on Chromebook use, and submit Athletics paperwork all from the same platform.
Bus Safety Videos
The Connecticut State Police have created a bus safety video. This is a great reminder for all drivers as our school buses will be on the road soon.
Athletic Director Nadeau Recognized as Certified Master Athletic Administrator
INDIANAPOLIS, IN -- The National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA) is pleased to announce that Jonathan P. Nadeau, Athletic Coordinator at Henry Abbott Technical High School, has been recognized by this association as a Certified Master Athletic Administrator.