Distance Learning Updates 4-9-20

April 4, 2020

This is the Parent Square notification that went out on Thursday, April 9.

– We will start one solid week of B-Cycle next week – 5 days in a row!
– We will be out of the building “until at least May 20,” per the Commissioner of Education.
– Mr. Durkin would like to thank Ms. Beckham and Ms. Cole for being awesome Assistant Principals!

Here is the letter:


Family & Student Update (4/9/20)

Dear Abbot Tech Students and Families,

I wanted to provide some updates as we approach the end of another week of distance learning at Abbott. As I had mentioned early this week, the Administrative Team has been receiving feedback from multiple stakeholders and are able to confirm some adjustments to our schedule. With a day off tomorrow, the timing is perfect! We will be moving to a 5 day cycle going forward, and as you know there are a number of constraints that make this a challenge but we have worked all that out.

New information from the governor’s office states that schools will be closed until at least May 20th.

NEXT WEEK- will be 5 days of B cycle–**FRIDAY (4/17) All teachers will only be posting work to be completed (NO GOOGLE MEETS on 4/17)).

Switching to 5 day cycles eliminates the need for students to “check in” to classes on the “off cycle.” This means you only need to attend your A cycle or B cycle classes. YOU may still need to manage your time to complete carry over assignments but teachers ARE being asked to limit that type of assignment because many students have expressed feeling overwhelmed. Our Administrative Team is stressing QUALITY over QUANTITY.

A reminder that most teachers are utilizing Google Meet and that students are expected to participate in those lessons as outlined in the Superintendent’s communication:

As such, we are finalizing a distance learning plan which will begin on Monday, March 30, 2020, for all students. Distance learning will take place primarily through Google Classroom and augmented by       Google Meet (video conferencing); online platforms that our students and staff are already very             familiar  with. Online classes will convene Monday through Friday on a half-day school schedule. Attendance will be taken! Afternoons will be reserved for teacher planning, collaboration and student support services – all facilitated through Google Meet.

If students are struggling with email notifications connected to Google Classroom posts, please check my ParentSquare post from 4/7/20 where I provided information on how to customize your email notifications.

Be sure to check out Abbott_Tech on Instagram for some of the great pictures, posts…AND TikToks!! To keep us all connected. And coming soon–Mr. Durkin needs a haircut!?!?

One final note– A very happy Assistant Principal’s week to the TWO best APs a Principal could ask for Ms. Beckham and Miss Cole!!! Wish we could have been in the building to do something fun!

Please continue to contact me kevin.durkin@ct.gov with any questions or concerns.

Kevin Durkin

Monday, June 5, 2017