The Abbott Tech Leo Club is a community service club affiliated with the Danbury Lions Club. We meet the first and third Thursday of every month during the school year, where we plan fundraisers and community service Projects. A liaison from the Lion’s Club attends our meetings. Our goal is to complete one project per month.

Link to calendar and paperwork in Google Drive

Everything you need to know is in this link

Mrs. Markiewicz
Lion Ernie Harrington – Danbury Lion’s Club Liaison and Leo Adviser
Lion Lisa Cerbone-Montalto – Leo Adviser from Danbury Lions CLub


We meet the first and third Thursday of every month during the school year.

Leos with awards

2024 Leo Club Awards
The following students were honored at the Abbott Tech Leo Club final meeting on June 6, 2024.
“Changing The World” award (for changing the club for the better) – Shane Schirmer, senior
Most Leo Service hours 2024 – Angel Rojas, junior
Lions Young Leaders in Service, 100 hours – Vincent Zhang, senior
Lions Young Leaders in Service, 50 hours – Angel Rojas and Raengel Garcia, juniors
30 or more Leo Club service hours – Shane Schirmer, senior; Aidan Maldonado, junior; Austin Machado, freshman.
The following seniors were active this year and received an honor cord for graduation: Kathleen Collinge, Briana Costa, Anjel Granados, Samiat Hoo, Axel Javier, Roosevelt Leon, Nicole Lima, Renata Quizpi, Shane Schirmer, Britney Vasquez. Kelly Yunga, and Vincent Zhang.
Katie Collinge was one of the recipients of a Danbury Lions Club Scholarship.
The Abbott Tech Leo Club presented their advisor, Lion Sally Markiewicz, with a Melvin Jones Fellow Award, which is a great honor.
In the photo are: Hugo Vivar, incoming treasurer, Shane Schirmer, Mrs. Markiewicz, and Angel Rojas.

Regulus Award

Three Abbott Tech Leos were presented with “The Regulus Award.”

The award states, “As Regulus is the brightest object in the Constellation Leo, we recognize your brilliant leadership and service, above and beyond to Leos and our communty.” A Lions Club must recognize the Leos for their outstanding service.

Leos Kelly, Hugo, and Angel volunteered with the Danbury Lions at a Community Health Fair over the summer. Their kind leadership and translating skills caused visitors to be comfortable and accept the services of the health professionals at the event. 

Pictured are Hugo, Kelly, and PDG Lion Lori Beninson.

Hugo and Kelly receive the Regulus award from Lion Lori.

And the winner is….

Abbott Tech Leos Ameila and Matt co-designed the winning pin for the MD23 Leo Midwinter Conference in February.

Here is a photo of the winners, and one of the actual pin.

Two Leos posing with their Compass Rose Leo pin contest winning design.winning pin design


Loaves and Fishes (of New Milford) – We make 24 lunches for the homeless the second Tuesday of every month.

  • Harvest Pack (2 yrs)
  • Setting up for the Danbury Friends’ book fair (3 years)
  • Bake sales to support Loaves & Fishes
  • Relay for Life (7 years)
  • Clean City Danbury
  • Leo Day at the Lions’ Midwinter Convention
  • Ringing the Salvation Army bell with the Danbury Lions’ Club
  • Gift Wrapping for Habitat for Humanity (4 years)
  • Ben’s Bells