Cultural Information Night Noche de Información Cultural/ Noite de Informacao Cultural
Hi Everyone...Henry Abbott Technical High School (HATS) and Ellsworth Elementary School will be hosting a Cultural Information Night on March 13th from 6-8pm at Henry Abbott Technical High School, which is located on 21 Hayestown Avenue. There will be performances, food, arts and crafts, immigration and college presentations.
Senior Yard Sign Parade is THURSDAY
We plan to display SENIOR CLASS yard signs on Abbott's campus on Wednesday June 3rd, during the evening from 5pm-7pm. During this time, we invite all students, families and staff to decorate your vehicle and make noise as you parade through the parking lot as we celebrate the class of 2020.
Drop Off and Pick Up Days
As we continue to work through this unprecedented situation, we have created a plan to allow for items left behind in academic lockers and shops to be picked up, as well as outstanding items to be dropped off. After conferring with the CTECS Leadership, we have finalized the following plan.
Kindness Week April 20 – 24, 2020
ATAG (Abbott Tech Awareness Group) is sponsoring a week of kindness. KINDNESS WEEK FLYER Monday - Chalk Walk Tuesday - Kindness form Wednesday - Self-care Thursday - Teacher Appreciation Friday - Thank You Post on IG - @abbott_tech Or Facebook - @henryabbotttech or @kcdurk
Distance Learning Updates 4-9-20
This is the Parent Square notification that went out on Thursday, April 9. Highlights: - We will start one solid week of B-Cycle next week - 5 days in a row! - We will be out of the building "until at least May 20," per the Commissioner of Education. - Mr. Durkin would like to thank Ms. Beckham and Ms. Cole for being awesome Assistant Principals!
Online Learning at Abbott
Monday, March 30 Welcome back... sort of. A message went out to families on Parent Square. Here is the content for quick access. PARENT SQUARE LETTER MARCH 26, 2020
Student Art Show at Brookfield Craft Center
Anaeli Rivera entered the Brookfield Craft Center art show this year and won 1st place in the sculpture category for her piece inspired by Super Mario bros Piranha plant! She won a cash prize and a gift certificate to take art classes at BCC. We are super proud of her!! Please congratulate her if you see her!!
All SkillsUSA Events are Cancelled
SkillsUSA Advisors received an email about the cancellation of all skills USA events for remainder of the school year.
Danbury School Lunches Available
Our Danbury students who rely on school lunches and attend Abbott Tech may participate in the school lunch program at the Danbury Public Schools during our shut-down.
Wolverine Signing Day
Henry Abbott Tech "Signing Day" is a celebration of our students who are currently working at a job related to their trade. We are very proud of their achievements and want to also highlight our community partners who hire our skilled students. Here are some photos of students who have secured jobs in their field: