The Art Program
CAS Art’s Banquet 2022

Please join us in congratulating Kayla Carlson and Dayana Flores Guadron!! We attended the Connecticut Association of Schools Art Banquet on May 5, and we were so happy to award both of these ladies on their artistic achievements. Dayana and Kayla are both so creative, always put in full effort, and are all around great people! We are so proud of them! Thank you Ms. Paulino and Chef Maher for attending the event with us. It was a wonderful night to support our students.
Ms. Clark and Mrs. Womack
Dayana’s artwork is pictured on the left, and Kayla is displaying her award on the right.

Art Course Information
In accordance with the CTECS Visual Arts program philosophy, this arts program is responsive to our learners in the CTECS schools. The program supports the CTECS mission, teaches visual literacy and 21st century skills. The courses offered below are designed to enable students to build upon foundation skills in visual arts before continuing to more in-depth study in the arts, as well as provide students access to visual arts classes at all grade levels.
Grade 9 | Grade 10 | Grade 11 | Grade 12 |
Foundations of Art or Drawing | PR-Foundations of Art or PR-Drawing 2-D Design 3-D Design Painting Studio Art |
PR-Foundations of Art or PR-Drawing 2-D Design 3-D Design Painting Studio Art Trade Art Advanced Art (Requires prior instructor approval) |
PR-Foundations of Art or PR-Drawing 2-D Design 3-D Design Painting Studio Art Trade Art Advanced Art (Requires prior instructor approval) Drawing I – UCONN |
* PR indicates a prerequisite course
* Some courses may not be offered at every school