Cultural Information Night Noche de Información Cultural/ Noite de Informacao Cultural

June 9, 2020

Hi Everyone…Henry Abbott Technical High School (HATS) and Ellsworth Elementary School will be hosting a Cultural Information Night on March 13th from 6-8pm at Henry Abbott Technical High School, which is located on 21 Hayestown Avenue. There will be performances, food, arts and crafts, immigration and college presentations. HATS, WCSU, NVCC, NCC, CT for a Dream, HATS4CAUSE, Ellsworth PTO, and Danbury Cultural Centers will have information tables. Please Complete the following question so that we can plan the event. If there are any questions please feel free to contact Ms. Womack at or Angelo Velez at Thank you and please know that none of this information will be shared.

Hola a todos … Henry Abbott Technical High School (HATS) y Ellsworth Elementary School organizarán una noche de información cultural el 13 de marzo de 6 a 8 pm en Henry Abbott Technical High School, que esta en 21 Hayestown Avenue. Habrá presentaciones, comida, artesanías, presentaciones de inmigración y presentaciones universitarias. HATS, WCSU, NVCC, NCC, CT for a Dream, HATS4CAUSE, Ellsworth PTO y Danbury Cultural Centers tendrán mesas de información. Por favor complete la siguiente preguntas para poder planear el evento. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en comunicarse con la Sra. Womack en o con Angelo Velez en GRACIAS Y SEPA QUE NINGUNA DE ESTA INFORMACIÓN SERÁ COMPARTIDA.

Oi a todos … Henry Abbott Technical High School (HATS) e Ellsworth Elementary School vao ter uma Noite de Informacao Cultural no dia 13 de Marco das 6 as 8 da noite na Henry Abbott Technical High School, que fica na 21 Hayestown Avenue. Vamos ter desempenhos, comida, artesanatos e artes, immigracao e apresentacao de faculdade. HATS, WCSU, NVCC, NCC, CT for a Dream, HATS4CAUSE, Ellsworth PTO, e Danbury centros cultural vao ter mesas de informacao. Por favor complete os seguinte questionarios para que nos podemos planejar o evento. Se tiver alguma pergunta por favor se sinta livre a contatar a Ms. Womack no ou o Angelo Velez no Obrigado e saiba que nem uma das informações vao ser compartilhado.