Henry Abbott Technical High School
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Softball Sign-up

Please scan the above code and fill out the form (using school email) if you are interested in playing softball this season. We are [...]

ASVAB Tuesday, January 31

ASVAB TESTING Tuesday, January 31, 2023 7:45 a.m. in the school Lecture Hall ASVAB is an aptitude test for math, verbal, and science/technology skills [...]

ATAG Thanksgiving Food Drive

ATAG Delivers Food to Jericho Partnership for Thanksgiving The Abbott Tech Awareness Group and HVAC students (food drive winners) delivered over 2,000 food items [...]

Winter Sports Registration is Open

Winter Athletics Registration is OPEN. Winter Athletics registration is now open on FamilyID.Register here:https://www.familyid.com/organizations/henry-abbott-technical-high-school-ctAll students interested in trying out for a winter sports team [...]

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