Hidden in Plain Sight
Learn what to look for in your child’s bedroom that may indicate they are experimenting with drugs or alcohol and what to say to your child when you find it.
Volleyball Fundraiser
The Abbott Girls' Volleyball team beat the Staff team at Thursday's game. The event was sponsored by the National honor Society.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences are, TUESDAY, November 13, 2018 Session 1 @ 1:30 - 3:30 pm Session 2 @ 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Homework Pass for Freshmen
Understanding the Impact of Teen Substance Use
Engineer Girl at Abbott Tech
Engineer Girl at Abbott Tech Jennifer Villa, a senior at Henry Abbott Tech, was selected as one of six high school students in the [...]
Poetry Contest Winners
Christina Gaudio (1st place) and Ethan Gardiner (2nd place) were winners of the Danbury Cultural Commission Poetry Contest. They received their awards and cash prizes at Western CT State University on May 16. They were accompanied by their families and friends, and their sophomore English teacher
Staff vs Student Basketball
On Wednesday, April 3, the National Honor Society sponsored a Staff vs Student Basketball game. The event was in the gym during an activity period. It was an exciting game. The final score was Staff 56 and Students 42.
Epi-Pen Protocol
Parents and guardians are responsible for supplying Epi-Pens for their children who require them at school. Please do not rely on the school’s very limited stock of Epi-Pens. The FDA issued a ruling that allowed Epi-Pens produced in certain lots to be used four months beyond their expiration date. If you have supplied an Epi-Pen to the school, please be sure it is covered by the extended expiration date.