Albert, Helen
Related Education Department Head, Math
(203) 797-4460 x12714
Alonzo, Lisa
Secretary II
(203) 797-4460 x12446
Altobelli, Maria
Instructor, Special Education
Aprea, Nicholas
(203) 797-4460 X12449
John Barsevich
203-797-4460 X12011
Benoit, Julie
English Instructor
(203) 797-4460 X12006
Bizak, Jenna
Mathematics Instructor
203-797-4460 x12017
Bova, Steven
Instructor, Precision Machining Technology
(203) 797-4460 x12433
Brown, Diane
Instructor, English Language Learners
(203) 797-4460 x12004
Brudvig, Erik
Department Head, Special Education
203-797-4460 X12464
Budd, Brittany
Instructor, Health/PE
203-797-4460 X12786
Clark, Tonya
Instructor, Art
(203) 797-4460 x12000
Cole, Cindy
Fiscal Admin Assistant
(203) 797-4460 x12461
Tina Cooney
Secretary, Guidance
(203) 797-4460 x12420
Diamond, Deborah
Instructor, Special Education
(203) 797-4460 x12456
Dilernia, Dan
Department Head, HVAC
(203) 797-4460 x12458
Durkin, Kevin
(203) 797-4460 x12455
Encarnacion, Yachira
School Nurse
203-797-4460 x12441
Esposito, Jessica
Instructor, Hairdressing and Cosmetology
203-797-4460 X12425
Ferreira, Meredith
Department Head, Health Technology
(203)797-4460 x12040
Collin Fischmann
Spanish Instructor
203-797-4460 X12020
Guisti, Katie
Instructor, Special Education
203-797-4460 X12066
Hoefer, Sean
Department Head, Carpentry
203-797-4460 X12436
Jay Holt
School Psychologist, SAT Coordinator
203-797-4460 x12430
Ian Hripak
Plumbing Instructor
203-797-4460 X12442
Hughes, Shannon
Instructor, Social Studies
(203) 797-4460 x12016
Italiano, Kathryn
Instructor, English/Language Arts
203-797-4460 X12002
Jackson, Tim
Building and Grounds Patrol Officer
(203) 797-4460 x12974
Paul Joyce
Instructor, Electrical
(203) 797-4460 x12917
Kelly, Susan
Instructor, Science
(203) 797-4460 x12009
Khalil, Nadine
203-797-4460 x12019
Langlais, Mark
Department Head, Automotive Technology
(203) 797-4460 x12920
LaPorte, Thomas
Instructor, Mathematics
(203) 797-4460 x12022
Longo, Mario
Department Head, Culinary Arts
(203) 797-4460 x12435
Ludwig, AnneMarie
Department Head, Hairdressing and Cosmetology
(203) 797-4460 x12910
Lusita, Mike
Department Head, Electrical
203-797-4460 X12445
Eric Maher
Collision Repair and Refinishing, Dept. Head
203-797-4460 X12027
Malota, Brian
Instructor, Culinary
203-797-4460 x 12913
Mancini, Joseph
Instructor, Automotive Technology
(203) 797-4460 x12026
Markiewicz, Sally
Library Media Specialist
(203) 797-4460 x12426
Matejak, James
Speech Pathologist
203-797-4460 X12921
McGorty, Katelyn
Instructor, ELA
203-797-4460 x12003
McLarty, Todd
Department Head, Graphic Design
(203) 797-4460 x12051(A) 4031(B)
Mendes, Alan
Instructor, Carpentry
203-797-4460 X12025
Miller, John
Instructor, Art
(203) 797-4460 x12423
Mills, James
Department Head, Precision Machining Technology
(203) 797-4460 x12434
Montinieri, Margaret
Instructor, English/Language Arts
(203) 797-4460 x12923
Moore, Lori
Instructor, English/Language Arts
(203) 797-4460 x12010
Nadeau, Jonathan
Athletic Director / Dean of Students / Attendance
(203) 797-4460 x12452
Occhiboi, Kara
Instructor, Mathematics
203-797-4460 x 12018
Pace, Amy
Instructor, Special Education
203-797-4460 X12951
Pace, Christopher
Instructor, Physical Education/Health
(203) 797-4460 x12448
Samantha Palma
Assistant Principal - Class of 2025 & 2027
203-797-4460 X12884
Paulino, Malvyn
Instructor, MDET Mechanical Design and Engineering Technology
(203) 797-4460 x12015
Paulino, Maryoly
Instructor, Health Tech
203-797-4460 X12028
Pavlinsky, William
Collision Repair and Refinishing
203-797-4460 x12050
Peloso, Christin
Instructor, ELA
Pepe, Steven
Instructor, Physical Education/Health
(203) 797-4460 x12451
Placanica, Jennifer
Instructor, Health Tech
203-797-4460 X12946
Purdy, Christopher
Instructor, Science
203-797-4460 X12941
Reichin, Lisa
Instructor, Mathematics
(203) 797-4460 x12937
Roberts, Jim
Department Head, Plumbing, Heating and Cooling
(203) 797-4460 x12041
Robinson, Karen
Mathematics Instructor
203-797-4460 x12039
Roche, Robert
Department Head General Education, Social Studies
(203) 797-4460 x12052
Rosen, Marilyn
Fiscal Administrative Officer
(203) 797-4460 x12424
Rousseva-Stoev, Iva
Instructor, English Language Learners
(203) 797-4460 x12035
Sabo, Gina
School Psychologist, 504 Coordinator
203-797-4460 X 12450
Sasha Salem
Assistant Principal - Class of 2024 & 2026
203-797-4460 X12070
Santos, Marisa
Counselor, Class of 2025 and Class of 2027 (Last names A-L)
(203) 797-4460 x12427
Semper, Kerron
Building and Grounds Patrol Officer
203-797-4460 X12955
Sheehan, David
Building Maintenance Supervisor
(203) 797-4460 x12068
Anthony Simone
Counselor, Class of 2026 and Class of 2027 (Last names M-Z)
(203) 797-4460 x12454
Skinner, Karyn
Instructor, Graphic Design
(203) 797-4460 x12031(A) X12051(B)
Smith, RJ
Skilled Maintainer
203-797-4460 X12067
Solis, Adrian
Instructor, Social Studies
(203) 797-4460 x12023
Stiman-Glaser, Marcia
Instructor, Special Education
203-797-4460 x12032
William Strempski
HVAC, instructor
203-797-4460 X12457
Sura, Kristen
Social Studies
(203) 797-4460 X12030
Sweeney, Isabel
Counselor, Class of 2024
(203) 797-4460 x12181
Sweet, David
Buildings and Grounds Patrol Officer
203-797-4460 X12955
Ting, Erica
Science Instructor
203-797-4460 X12024
Underhill, Laura
Instructor, Portfolio/Social Studies
(203) 797-4460 x12483
Vanak, Lindsay
Instructor, Social Studies
203-797-4460 X12012
Visinski, Shelley
203-797-4460 X12453
Weintraub, Brittany
Instructor, Mathematics
(203) 797-4460 x12039
Wethered, Chris
Instructor, Physical Education/Health
(203) 797-4460 x12443
Whitlock, Meghan
English Instructor
203-797-4460 X12932